
Managed futures describes a strategy whereby a professional manager assembles a diversified portfolio of futures contracts; these professional managers are also known as Commodity Trading Advisors (CTAs). By their very nature, managed futures provide a diversified investment opportunity because CTAs can participate in more than 150 global markets; from grains and gold to currencies and stock indices.

ADM Investor Services offers a complete range of services to individual and institutional investors seeking the sophisticated methods of portfolio diversification available through CTAs. We are a “One Stop Shop” for Commodity Trading Advisors and the investors allocating to these strategies. Our company works with a broad portfolio of CTAs across all major futures exchanges which helps investors meet new managers early while simultaneously helping more established managers raise assets through our diverse network of strategic investor relationships.

The potential benefits of managed futures within a well-balanced portfolio include:

  • Potential to lower overall portfolio risk
  • Potential opportunity to enhance overall portfolio returns
  • Broad diversification opportunities
  • Potential opportunity to profit in a variety of economic environments

ADM Investor Services is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Archer Daniels Midland Company, a Fortune 50 firm. This, together with our strong balance sheet, provides the financial stability and assurance required by institutional, commercial and high net worth investors. 

Please contact us to learn more.

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